Fall is a great time to start fresh and save some money. There are many ways that you can cut expenses and still enjoy the season. Here are 10 ways to save money this fall:
- Cut your subscriptions. There are many subscription services that we sign up for and never use. Take a look at your bank statements and see where you can cut back.
- Find free entertainment. There are many free or low-cost events happening in the fall. Check your Facebook events or local websites for things to do.
- Save on bank fees. Many banks charge monthly maintenance fees. If you haven’t used your account much, it might be time to switch to a different bank with lower fees. You may get a cash reward for opening an account at a new bank as a bonus.
- Save on checks. You can order checks online for much cheaper than buying them at the bank. Cheap checks are usually less than half what you’d pay your bank – and they work just the same.
- Save on groceries and essentials. Fall is a great time to stock up on non-perishable items that you know you’ll need in the winter months. This will help you save money in the long run. Get in the habit of checking coupon sites like the Krazy Coupon Lady to save even more.
- Keep your home warm without turning up the heat. During the cooler months, it’s tempting to crank up the heat, but there are other ways to keep warm without using as much energy. For example, you can wear warmer clothing or put an extra blanket on your bed.
- Cut back on eating out. It’s easy to get into the habit of eating out all the time, but cooking at home is usually cheaper and healthier too! Eating out once in a while is fine. Check sites like Groupon for good deals.
- Make your coffee at home instead of buying it every day. If you’re used to buying coffee daily, try making it at home instead. It’s cheaper, and you can customize it exactly how you like it.
- Brown-bag your lunch instead of buying lunch every day. Packing your lunch is a great way to save money, especially if you tend to buy lunch every day.
- Join a gym or take advantage of free outdoor activities. Many gyms offer competitive prices for membership dues, and there are also many outdoor activities that you can do for free in the fall, such as hiking or walking in the park.
These are just some ways you can save money this fall. By making small changes in your spending habits, you can make a big difference to your overall budget.