
Kryptonite Solutions: Know More about Inbore MRI

New technology has led to the development of new and more effective ways of imaging. One such way is an MRI scan called the Inbore MRI. This article will cover what an In-bore MRI is, what it offers over a traditional MRI scan and how you can find out if it’s right for you.

What is an In-bore MRI scan?

MRI scans are a type of medical imaging that use magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the inside of the body. In-bore MRI  scans are a type of MRI scan that is performed while the patient is inside the bore, or tube, of the MRI machine. This type of scan can be used to get a more detailed view of the inside of the body and can be especially useful for looking at organs and tissues that are difficult to image with traditional MRI scans.

How safe are Inbore MRI scans?

MRI scans are generally considered to be very safe. There is no evidence that they cause any harm to the body. However, there is a small risk that the magnetic field could cause problems for people with certain medical conditions, such as pacemakers.

What are some benefits of in-bore MRI?

Some benefits of in-bore MRI include shorter exam times, improved comfort for patients, and better image quality due to the proximity of the patient to the magnet. Additionally, In-bore MRI can be used to image patients who are claustrophobic or have anxiety disorders, as they can remain in an open space during the exam.

How is an MRI scan performed?

An MRI scan is a painless procedure that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create images of the inside of your body. An MRI machine is a large, tube-shaped machine that you lie inside during the scan. The machine makes loud thumping and humming noises during the scan, which can be loud enough to cause earplugs or headphones to be necessary.

MRI scan types and what they do?

There are many different types of MRI scans, each with its unique purpose.

One of the most common types of MRI scans is the abdominal MRI. This scan is used to evaluate the organs and structures of the abdomen, including the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. The abdominal MRI (FMRI) can also be used to detect tumors or other abnormalities in the abdomen.

Another common type of MRI scan is brain MRI. This scan is used to evaluate the structures of the brain, including the skull, cerebral cortex, and white matter. The brain MRI can also be used to detect tumors or other abnormalities in the brain.

The cervical spine MRI is another common type of MRI scan. This scan is used to evaluate the structures of the cervical spine, including the vertebrae, discs, and nerves. The cervical spine MRI can also be used to detect tumors or other abnormalities in the cervical spine.

The chest MRI is another common type of MRI scan. This scan is used to evaluate the structures of the chest, including the heart and lungs.


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