Many believe that after 1-year-old there is no need for formula anymore and a child needs to receive only varied complementary food in its diet and has more fruit and drink juices. However, specialists recommend using the adapted formula for up to three years because the immature organism still needs to receive a balanced amount of such components as omega-3, calcium, and vitamin D. Even if you continue to feed a kid with formula after three years, there is no need to worry about because the infant milk is very rich in vitamins.
Most often a kid will refuse formula when it feels it is time, usually at 1,5 years old so parents usually start giving such useful baby products as yogurt, porridge, etc. If you are looking for extra feeding you can find it on Organic’s Best. There are organic snacks, puree pouches, and what’s more, you can be sure to find there the best formula for 12 months-old-kids.
The content of the formula for a one-year-old kid
Many manufacturers produce milk formulas with the numbers 3 and even 4, which are intended for children over 1-year-old, 18 months, and even 2 years old. The fact is that children of different ages still need a balanced content of vitamins and minerals. Most formulas have the same content, only the percentage of substances, the composition of vitamins and minerals differ. The content of the formula for 12 months-old-kids may include the following components:
- taurine and tryptophan help to develop the central nervous system and liver
- nucleotides have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora
- omega-3 and omega-6 support the functioning of the brain and nervous system, improve metabolism and help fight allergic and inflammatory reactions
- palm oil is needed for absorption of certain vitamins e.g. HiPP baby formula suitable for all stages made from palm and sunflower oil
- lecithin facilitates the absorption of fats in the intestine
- probiotics resist the representatives of the pathogenic flora, regulate the stool
The important mission of the 3 stage formula
Usually, formulas intended for 12 months-old kids replace milk in the baby’s diet. Studies have shown that whole milk must be introduced with great care in children’s menus. Moreover, the restriction must be imposed on both cow and goat milk because both are low in vitamins and minerals. In addition, cow milk contains an excessive amount of protein. It takes a lot of fluid to process it, which is why the load on the kidneys is greatly increased. There is less protein in goat milk, but there are still not enough nutrients in it so Holle goat formula is a good replacement. With such milk formulas, a baby receives a significant part of the daily intake of nutrients.
The common amount of dairy products in the diet of a baby over 1-year-old is 400-600 ml. This includes yogurt, cottage cheese, and other fermented milk products. For example, if a child gets 100 grams of cottage cheese, then the amount of formula is approximately 300 to 500 ml. After drinking 200 ml of kefir, the recommended amount is 200 to 400 ml. By the end of the first year of life, the baby’s food should be quite varied so a baby can receive 3-3.5 g of proteins, 3.5-4 g of fat, 12-15 g of carbohydrates, and 100 kcal. You can visit here to know about the forexrenkocharts. On the other hand, you can also get more essential info on taylorsource. Here is the best news portal sttmag where you can get the latest news around the world views360